This article will encompass a lot of basic facts about Yorkshire Terriers. It will tell the origins of Yorkies. Additionally, it will show a bit about their personalities. The illnesses that Yorkshire Terriers are prone to will also be summarized. You will get to know a little bit about what having a Yorkshire Terrier as…
All posts in Pets
Dog Names of Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey, who is currently famous TV talk show host, is proud owner of a few dogs. She likes and roots the underdog. She always tries to make a winner out of the underdogs. Here are the Oprah Winfrey dogs with names and breed. Some are from animal shelter. Prior to 2005, she already owns…
Dog Training and Stress
Your dog will naturally feel some stress while you’re training him. There is nothing you can do to prevent it; however, you can keep the stress low so your dog can still learn. There is a big difference between some good stress that is due to your pet’s excitement and happiness to learn and bad…
Epiks Dog shoes: Heavenly footwear for your pooches
Your pet pooches love you no matter how you are. They hardly expect anything from their master except for the regular food treats. Dog masters, these days, are being very health conscious though. As a result of which they tend to make the most of the gadgets or accessories available in the market that would…
Why are there so many colors of Labrador Puppies?
Labrador puppies are usually the most famous breeds and also the most opted to by people who love dogs. Many people are of the view that Labradors tend to be Labradors, they don’t realize that this breed of dog will come in different shades, such as black, yellow or even brown. If you would like…
Ear Infections and Dogs
Some dogs are prone to ear infections and there are many causes so sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint what the problem is. In fact, most ear infections or problems are actually not a primary illness, but are actually a consequence of another illness, such as allergies to food or air allergens like pollen, dirty moist…