Kitten Care Video for Newly Found Outside Kitten


How Do I Turn An Outside Cat Into A Domestic Animal For My Home?
It’s pretty easy although a little difficult at first. You’ll get the hang of it soon.
The first thing I would do for an outside cat is bring it home and give it a bath. Outdoor cats have all types of fleas, ticks and other debris that could affect you, your family members, as well as other animals in your home.
The second thing is that you should make sure the cat knows where the kitty litter is, show them how to use it, how it smells and how to dig in the litter, as I discussed earlier. Also, give them their own food and water this is important if you have other cats in the house.
The third thing, always make sure to show a lot of love and affection because outside cats haven’t been shown a lot of affection. It’s a safe bet they haven’t ever been held. It also likely they have been bruised, battered, beaten, hurt, harmed, hit with rocks, thrown across the street, run over by a car…You don’t really know so you want to be sure they are shown a lot of love and affection.
The final thing I want to tell you. Let the kitten go outside as much as they like. Create a kitten friendly environment inside, with good food, fresh water, toys, a warm place to sleep, and even though outside is the environment they are use to they will soon enjoy the inside kitten friendly environment you have provided.
Remember, you don’t want to torment the cat during the environment change, so allow them to enjoy both their new and old surroundings. This is another form of weaning, just like they were weaned from their mom.
They have to be weaned from the outdoor environment, the more freedom you allow for them to come and go the more comfortable they will become inside. Over time they will want to eat regular food vs. digging in garbage for food outside, therefore they will adjust to the indoor environment quickly.
These are a few ways you can turn an outside cat into a domestic animal.

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