How To Text Girls – 3 Common Mistakes You Should NEVER Make When Texting Girls

Even though most guys think they know how to text girls in order to build attraction and interest, many of them regularly commit simple mistakes that end up murdering any attracting the girl might have had.
The worst part is, these are simple mistakes that could easily be avoid. In fact, there are 3 very common, yet very deadly mistakes that guys often make.
I’m going to tell you what they are and also how to fix them. See if you are guilty of some of these pitfalls and make sure to very do them again.

OK, here we go…
Deadly Text Game Mistake #1: NOT Waiting Until You Get A Reply Before Sending Her More Texts
You should never send a girl multiple text messages without her first replying back to your original message. The only museumbola exception is when your first message did not get delivered and your phone gives you an error message.

Other than that, you should ALWAYS wait until she respond to your first text before you bombard her in box with more messages.

Why, you ask?

Because not doing so only communicate to her that you are needy and desperate. Just like so many of the lovable losers that she’d interacted with in the past.
This is a huge TURN OFF for women!
It lowers your value and gives her power over you. The more you keep texting her without her replying, the more it becomes apparent that she is the prize and you are just begging to talk to her.

Just remember, you just met this girl. Don’t give her the impression that you are already picking out the wedding dress.
Deadly Text Game Mistake #2: Making Your First Text To Her BORING

The first text message to a girl you just met is the most important text you will ever send her. This is the text that will mostly determine whether she respond back to you, so don’t make it boring!
Most guys make the first message they send out look like this:

“Hi, this is John from the club last night. I just wanted to say Hi, and that I really enjoy meeting you…blah blah blah.”
Don’t do that! It’s boring and, worse, it doesn’t compel her to respond back.

Here is a sad truth that you must understand…
You Are NOT Special To Her!

OK, maybe I didn’t have to scream. Sorry about that.

But listen, the truth is, the girl (especially if she’s hot) probably gave her numbers out to a bunch of different guys last night (girls do that.) So sending some vanilla text message is not going to make her remember you. And if she doesn’t remember you, she won’t reply!
Instead you should say something attention grabbing that also relates to the time when you met her. Something like…

“Man what was the deal with that crazy guy on the dance floor last night?! I think he gave me a black eye – John”
“Oh my god. I just realized who you look like…”

Girls are VERY interested in their looks and this statement is sure to peak her interest.

Also, by bring up something funny or interesting that happened last night, you not only remind her who you are but also pull her back to the emotional state that she was in when she met you (and having fun.) This is a very powerful technique and very important for building attraction (more on this in other articles.)

Deadly Text Game Mistake #3: Sending Texts That Are Too FORMAL
Remember, you are trying to hook up with this girl, not audit her taxes. So don’t send her messages like…

“Dear Stacey, I’m really glad we had a chance to talk last night and I had a very pleasant time…”
Instead, talk to her like you two are already friends. Be playful, teasing, and fun. Don’t be afraid to use slang, misspellings, and choppy sentences. (The obvious exception would be if she is foreign or is highly educated and is turned by bad grammar and slang.)

For example, a normal text like, “How is your day going?” could be said in a more fun and less formal way like…

“Hey! Man, I think I just had the weirdest day of my life. Yours must be pretty crazy, i bet.”
This message also serve to arouse her curiosity and make her wonder what was so weird about your day.

Remember our ultimate goal is to escalate the texts to this girl to a sexual level so it’s best to start off with a playful tone, rather than a formal one.
Now you might be thinking that you’d never make these stupid mistakes, but I can’t tell you how many guys I’ve seen repeatedly make these text game mistakes and…

Destroy Their Chances To Sleep With So Many Hot Girls
Don’t make the same mistakes. The pitfalls that I’ve mentioned might sound simple but by avoid them, you can double or triple your chances with a girl.

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