How Can I Impress the Interviewer At A Banking And Finance Interview?

Social Issues

Regardless of what many may think or say, first impressions do count and never more so than attending your first interview and especially if that interview is for a position within a professional organization such as banking or finance. So, it cannot be over emphasized that you must present a polished professional image the second you walk into the building.
It wouldn’t be the first time that I have attended an interview and the person due to interview me or a member of the HR department was already waiting for me in the company’s reception area.
Always remember that companies of the stature of which you have shown an interest are looking to hire professional people. People who care about themselves and their career so, look the part and act the part. Dress conservatively. Preferably wear a well pressed suit and avoid wearing too much jewelry or fragrances. Accompany the suit with a clean white shirt and tie. It’s also important to remember your personal hygiene and cleanliness. Bathe or take a shower, brush your teeth, and make sure your hair is well groomed before an interview as well to present a polished professional image.
Prepare in Advance
Whether you have attended many banking or finance interviews or not, it is likely that you can predict at least some of the questions you will be asked. Take the time to practice giving your answers to these questions. Even though you are not asked that question exactly, there is a very good chance you will be asked a question similar to it. The more you practice the more confident you will be in the interview.
Prepare to give well structured answers as well as practicing the tone and method of delivery. You want to give the impression of being confident but not arrogant. Good interviewers will know that you have prepared and that is no bad thing as they will appreciate how much this opportunity means to you.
Moreover looking the part and being well prepared for the interview will definitely minimize any anxiety or nervousness that almost all interviewees suffer when they walk into an interview.
You have prepared to answer questions. You also need to prepare to ask questions. It is in your best interest to gather as much information as you can about the company and the job opportunity you are about to be interviewed for.
Impress the interviewer by doing your homework. Research the company prior to the interview and gather key information with which you can prepare interesting and intelligent questions to ask the interviewer. This knowledge will help to demonstrate that you have a genuine interest in the company and the opportunity for which you are being interviewed.
This knowledge can also give you an edge over your competitors. You can use it to prepare examples of how the skills set you possess and the experience you have are an excellent fit to meet the needs and challenges facing the organization.

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