Dealing With Husky Dog Dominance


Husky dogs are intelligent and beautiful. There are ways to make your husky pup happy and obedient by following these 5 simple rules. As a smart dog owner, you will reflect your relationship with your husky to these tips and conclude whether or not you’re doing your best to keep your dog happy, healthy, and obedient.
In every pack there’s a dominant wolf that takes care of everyone else. The dominant “wolf” is responsible for gathering food, protection, keeping a watch out for predators, tracking down the rabbits, and of course, setting the rules for everyone else. The pack leader, also known as the alpha dog, will never back down once challenged. For the most part, pack members will never challenge the same pack leader more than once. This represents the typical household pack your husky is in right now.
Not being that far from its ancestors, your dog needs a strong leader to do all those things for him. Think about it, if you’re not going to be dominant, take care of all your husky’s needs, and show that you are the alpha dog – how do you expect your husky not to become aggressive and dominant? Your dog’s aggression derives simply from dominance, and dominance derives from lack of a leader. If you showed your dog that you’re the dominant alpha dog of the pack your husky would have taken up that position. Once your dog thinks he’s the leader of the pack he will show aggression whenever you put him down in any shape or form. This is the major root cause of dominance problems with Siberian huskies.
Naive dog owners often end up with an aggressive and dominant dog, thinking “I have done everything for Slick why is he being so aggressive and protective of his toys?” The answer is that you have not been the leader of the pack that he needs. If there’s no leader it’s risky for survival, therefore someone will step up to the plate and agree to be the leader if no one else does. Since no one in your household did it, your dog did and he does in fact expect you to follow his rules because he’s helping YOU survive.
It’s very ironic, you see. But nevertheless, your husky isn’t that smart to figure out that you’re the dominant one simply because you give him food. You need to set your position as the alpha dog and reinforce it time after time. There are many things to learn dealing with husky dominance as well as how to train siberian huskies in general.

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