5 Ways to Enhance Your Relationship

Relationships are always a work in progress. So many people work really hard a building a relationship and then once they feel comfortable with it they just stop altogether. If you stop paying attention to the relationship or stop trying to improve it on some level then your relationship will start to lose the closeness […]

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11 Signs and Symptoms of Ovulation

11 Signs and Symptoms of Ovulation It is important for any woman trying to get pregnant to be familiar with their ovulation cycle. You need to be aware of the fact that ovulation signs vary from woman to woman. It is possible that you may not even experience any of the listed signs! So, what […]

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3 Reasons Why You Have A Receding Hairline

In today’s world you see a lot of men with a receding hairline. It’s no surprise however, as in today’s world there are more and more things that affect our lifestyle and in turn affect our health and our body’s well being. Most people lose their confidence through hair loss too. Who can blame them […]

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Sadie Jackson – Stood Up

“I cannot believe this is happening again!” an agitated Sadie exclaimed out loud to the empty seat across from her. She had been rather proud of herself yesterday when she let go of the space of hate in her heart for the idiot who had forgotten to call her when an emergency kept him from […]

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