How To Train Your Parrot

If you want to properly interact with your parrot, you’ll need to train it. We train our dogs and cats so they don’t become unruly; parrots are no exception. Of course, with parrots, we have an added bonus; they can talk. If your bird was hand fed by humans when you purchased him or her, […]

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Three Aspect That Changes Dog’s Personality

Different life events and habits tend to influence the personalities of different people. Surprisingly, dog’s personalities tend to change in a similar manner as they age. Although personalities may vary from species to the other, most dogs will become less active and less curious over time. Dogs can change significantly depending on their daily interactions […]

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Heat Stroke Among English Bulldogs

Do you know that dogs like English Bulldogs can also suffer from heat stroke? Yes, heat stroke is common among dogs with brachycephalic skull, a skull which is relatively broad and short. Brachycephalic dogs as well as cats are very sensitive to high temperatures thus made them more at risk to temperature or climate related […]

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Does Your Lifestyle Include A Pet

For some these two notions might seem too far apart to present any similarities. But still, more than we know, dogs as object of our love or repulsion, affect our lifestyle. Each and every one of us has gone through at least one experience that included a dog. Whether sad or fortunate, these experiences exist […]

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