How to Dog-Proof Your Yard


You have your bedroom, your children have theirs, but what does the dog to have to call his own? Usually he has a pen and the backyard to be his “personal” area. Clearly as you would make absolutely sure that your child’s room is as safe and pleasant as feasible for him, you want to do the same for your dog.
To begin with take a hard look around your yard. Are there any plants that are potentially toxic or dangerous to your pet? If you do not know the names of each and every single plant that grows in your back yard, remove them for safety’s sake. Is the yard fenced and if so, is the fence in good quality repair? Are there any holes that would allow a dog to running away or even worse get hung up on as he tries to escape? If your dog is a digger, how will you prevent him from digging his way out from under? If there is not a fence already, will you install one or will you use an invisible fence to keep your dog from wandering off?
Next, make certain that there is an area that will provide adequate shade for you dog in the summer months and shelter through cold and rainy weather. Are there unusual textures for him to explore, or is it all grass or another material? If it is all concrete, will you provide an out-of-doors cushion for when he wants to lay down outside?
Will the dog have unlimited access to the backyard or will he need to be taken out there by a human companion? If he does not have to wait for assistance, will he is using a doggy door, or something else? (Don’t count on your dog accepting or liking a doggy door right off the bat, some of them will reject point blank to use them. Ginger the Wonder Pug thinks that doggy door is just plain old bad.) However your pet will get out there, know that even with a fenced yard and vigilant planning, there might be dangers lurking out there, so it is imperative that you check on your dog often if you cannot be out there spending every minute with him. Make sure he has plenty of fresh, cool water at all times.
If your dog shares the back yard area with your non-furred children, make sure he has a place to call his own and remind the kids that they must stay out of the “dog zone”. This area should be out of the line of major activity and should provide the dog with the feeling that it is his own refuge.
Of course, there is nothing better than getting out there to share time with your pet, so grab a good book, a glass of lemonade and get out there and enjoy time with your pet.

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