Women – How To Make the First Move

Social Issues

If you see the man of your dreams and wait for him to make a move then you may miss your opportunity with him altogether. Another woman may come in and make her move before you can win his affection and he may become lost to you forever. So when you see a man who you like don’t waste any time, and make your move. Don’t worry about what he will think because chances are he will love it.
The great thing is you don’t have to actually initiate conversation in order to make your move. Body language is such a huge part of attraction and conveying how you feel that you can literally say it all with your body before having to talk to him.
Here are a few ideas to show him you are interested and catch his attention.

Smile at Him

Do not underestimate the power of a smile. It will show him you are interested and your friendly at the same time. A simple smile can make the difference between him noticing you or not noticing you. So catch his attention and give him your best and most sincere smile.

Give Him a Quick Glance

The next best thing to smiling is eye contact. A quick and intense glance will let him know that your focus on him is something more than just him being in your line of sight. Make sure you lock eye to eye with him to get the most out of this message. It will most likely evoke feelings of attraction in him as well if he likes you.

Use Physical Contact

If you can’t catch his gaze then you will have to get closer. Brushing up against him while you walk by will get his attention and it will allow you to look back and shoot him a quick glance with a smile! Talk about a first move! He will be getting all the good stuff rolled into one.

Touch Your Lips during Eye Contact

This sends a primal message of attraction to him that he won’t miss. Chances are you will not need to be the one to approach him after making such a move, but even if you do he will enjoy knowing exactly what your intention is just from that one sign.

Say Hello

You can do this simply by giving him a nod of your head, or you can actually pass him by and say hello while you do so. Most of the time he will say hello back and you may be able to start a conversation from it. Even a nod from across the room will be telling him that you are open for conversation with him. And if he responds back with a nod then he is open for conversation with you!
These are just a few examples of making the first move. You can also get right in there and talk to him to show him you are interested. He will appreciate your courage if he’s interested, and if he’s not interested – well, at least you will know for sure! The important thing to remember is don’t waste time waiting for him to make the first move because it may never happen.

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